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December 2023 Education Grants

By February 7, 2024January 2nd, 2025No Comments

Since its inception, the AJA Foundation has supported education programs in the U.S. and abroad. Most recently, a combined $156,000 was awarded to implementing partners providing college access programs in the U.S. and a secondary school scholarship program in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  

The AJA Foundation has invested over $3.5 million in education, representing 27% of its grants portfolio. Each non-profit awarded grants in December 2023 is a legacy grantee that has delivered excellent programming to its students and achieved above-average return on investment. The AJA Foundation partners with organizations that identify scholars who have the desire to excel in school but lack the finances and curriculum to reach their full potential. 

Stepping Stone Foundation, based in Boston, MA, serves 1,400 Boston students yearly from 5th grade to college. They provide academic enrichment, preparation for rigorous college preparatory high school programs, and the skills to navigate and succeed in middle school, college, and life. 

Stepping Stone’s sister organization, National Partnership for Educational Access (NPEA), was awarded $10,000 in “continuing education” funds to cover AJA Foundation’s grantee’s membership fees to the organization and registration fees for their 2024 annual conference. We believe that an investment in the leaders of the organizations we support strengthens programs.

Three Angels Haiti was awarded $46,000 to support their expanded secondary education program. This year, 43 students are participating in the Secondary Scholarship Program—the scholarships fund tuition, textbooks, medical care, food, and guidance counseling. Because only 20% of Haitians continue their education beyond 6th grade, the Three Angels’ cohort of high school graduates (some of whom continue on to university) can better navigate the next phase of adult life in the extremely challenging Haitian economy. With education and skills come opportunities to lift themselves and their families out of extreme poverty.