
Recent Grants
May 10, 2024

The AJA Foundation Contributes Additional $434,000 to Education Programs

Currently three years into our partnership with Zambian-based Makolekole Foundation we have seen the organization consistently deliver on average 35 new boreholes per year to rural villages in the Luangwa…
Recent Grants
February 7, 2024

The AJA Foundation Continues Investment in Education Programs in 2024

Since its inception, the AJA Foundation has supported education programs in the U.S. and abroad. Most recently, a combined $156,000 was awarded to implementing partners providing college access programs in…
Recent Grants
May 15, 2023

Makolekole Awarded $150,000 from AJA Foundation

Currently three years into our partnership with Zambian-based Makolekole Foundation we have seen the organization consistently deliver on average 35 new boreholes per year to rural villages in the Luangwa…
Recent Grants
May 11, 2023

The AJA Foundation Invests Additional $250,000 in College Access and Success Programs

The AJA Foundation approved gifts for three previously funded education grantees in April 2023. Dean’s Future Scholars (DFS) and the Pathfinder Program at the Hopkins School were both awarded $75,000…
Recent Grants
April 6, 2023

AJA Foundation Grants $100,000 in Unrestricted Funds to Engera USA and Pledges $50,000 in Matching Grant Funds

The AJA Foundation has been a supporter of Engera since 2011 and to date as provided $540,000 in financial contributions for programmatic work and capacity building.
Recent Grants
March 28, 2023

Three Angels Haiti Scholarship Program Receives $64,000 from AJA Foundation

In continued support of the Three Angels Christian Academy (TACA) scholarship program, AJA Foundation recently granted an additional $64,000 to fund two more years of private school tuition for top…
Recent Grants
January 9, 2023

The AJA Foundation Awards $60,000 in New Education Grants

The AJA Foundation has awarded Boston-based Steppingstone Foundation $25,000 and Richmond, Virginia-based Partnership for the Future $35,000 to support innovative college access programs.
Recent Grants
October 24, 2022

The AJA Foundation Awards $100,000 to Fulfillment Fund in 2022

The AJA Foundation recently awarded The Fulfillment Fund $60,000 for programming at the UCLA Community School. Earlier this year, we provided $40,000 for college scholarships. In 2021 we provided $100,000…
Recent Grants
October 1, 2022

AJA Foundation Renews Makolekole Grant and Provides Capacity Building Support

The AJA Foundation has been partnering with Zambian-based non-profit, Makolekole Ltd. for two years, during which time we have provided over $200,000 in funding for more than 30 new boreholes…